On June 23, 2020, in the framework of the EU-funded project “Promotion of Human Right to Health of the conflict affected populations in Georgia” was held training for the Health Care Workers, IDPs and conflict affected populations of Abkhazia.
The aim of the trainings was to build capacity of health care workers (HCWs) in Abkhazia by increasing awareness about the following health care programs and rights to access them: (1) what is the State Referral Program? (2) who can be engaged in the referral program? (3) how to apply to the referral program to get the needed services? and (4) Cost-recovery mechanisms and benefits of the program.
The training was attended by Abkhaz and Georgian health workers and it was delivered by Ms. Dea Nizharadze, an expert of the Public Health and Health Organization, Director of the Medical Quality Department of the Corporation “Evex”.
Through the training, the participants got introduced to the healthcare programs available in Georgia, learned about the mechanisms and benefits of the State Referral Program, how to apply to the State referral program, what does the right to health mean? How to increase access of conflict- affected patients to beneficial free and cost- reduced healthcare programs? How to engage conflict- affected and IDP patient into state referral and other affordable healthcare programs.
The participants of the training showed positive feedback about the acquired knowledge and information. The next stage of training was planned according to their needs.
The Public Health Foundation of Georgia and GEOCOR would like to thank Ms. Dea for her training, knowledge and experience.
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