For Children

Anger and Anger Management
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Sometimes you may get angry. Everyone gets angry sometimes. Anger in itself is not a bad thing. The important thing is how you behave when you get angry. Anger is bad when it forces you to hurt or upset another person. Uncontrolled anger can destroy a friendship or put you in an embarrassing situation. 

When we get angry, we feel cold or hot, our heartbeat quickens and our breathing gets heavier. Often, we clench our teeth and fists. An angry person can kick another human being or animal, punch them, or shout at them. 

To make sure that you don’t hurt yourself or others, it’s important that you can control your anger. Anger can be managed using these easy exercises. 

When you get angry: 

1. Go somewhere where you can be alone. 
2. Take three deep breaths. 
3. Count to ten slowly in your head. 
4. Think calmly and talk to yourself. You can say things like: 
• “calm down”, 
• “I will overcome this anger”, 
• “I can do it”. 
5. Write down what made you angry on a piece of paper. 
6. Take a clean piece of paper and draw on it with pencils or pens. 
7. Take a piece of paper and rip it up (but make sure you put the pieces in the bin later so that you don’t make someone else angry). 
8. Take a pillow and punch it hard 10 times. 

After doing these easy exercises, you will feel less angry and you will be able to make the right decision. 


Find out more here 
By Public Health Foundation of Georgia (PHF)